Longline harvesters in Southeast Alaska are embarked on the development of a new user-friendly tool to detect sperm whales and avoid depredation on longline gear. The Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association (ALFA) was awarded a one-year, $245,000 grant from the NOAA Bycatch Reduction and Engineering Program to adapt towed array hydrophone systems that can spot whales […]
JUNEAU – Because of dramatic declines in salmon returns this year, Governor Walker declared an economic disaster for the Chignik fisheries region today. Current harvest rates are low enough to threaten the communities of Chignik, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Perryville, and Ivanof Bay, which depend on the subsistence and commercial availability of salmon. With a […]
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Alaska Wildlife Troopers are continuing their enforcement and patrol actions at commercial and personal use fisheries across the state. Recent patrol and surveillance efforts yielded a significant number of citations and charges related to illegal fishing activity in and around the Kenai Peninsula. “Even during times of limited resources, Alaska Wildlife Troopers […]
So how does longlining work? I wasn’t sure myself before I got on the boat other than guessing that there was probably a line and it was probably pretty long. Turns out I was right. The line used is miles long and sectioned into groups of hooks called “skates.” In each skate there are 45 […]