ANCHORAGE – A federal Grand Jury in Anchorage, Alaska returned an indictment on Friday, April 21, 2023, charging Michael Mikhail Beans of Saint Mary’s Alaska with two (2) felony counts for violations of the Lacey Act and nineteen (19) felony counts for wire fraud in connection with the sale of the illegal moose hunts. From […]
ANCHORAGE – A federal magistrate judge in Alaska sentenced a Fairbanks man to pay a fine for unlawfully selling and operating a tour on federal land without a permit. The land is owned by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). According to court documents and statements in court, Jun Liang, 40, is the sole owner […]
KODIAK, Alaska – A Coast Guard law enforcement boarding team seized illegally caught fish near Homer, Wednesday. The Naushon crew seized the catch and escorted the vessel to Homer where a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Law Enforcement (NOAA OLE) representative took possession of the catch upon arrival at the pier. A Coast […]
On Monday, Alaska Wildlife Troopers revealed that they are investigating moose hunting violations that occurred in the Matanuska Valley in mid-September and have seized equipment in the violation as the investigation continues. Troopers received multiple complaints on September 21st reporting the violations. Multiple witnesses were contacted and interviewed and troopers were told that two hunters […]