Fisheries are an economic and employment engine in Alaska, with the commercial and recreational sectors generating $4.8 billion in sales impacts and 61,000 jobs in 2012. However, invasive species, or species that are introduced to a new area where they have the potential to cause harm, could significantly affect the ecosystems that make Alaska so […]
Although they did not disclose how they were killed, NOAA biologists say that several of the 15 Stellar Sea Lions found dead 45 miles southeast of Cordova on Softuk Beach displayed evidence that they were killed by humans. NOAA and law enforcement personnel traveled to the beach located in Prince William Sound after receiving a report […]
NOAA officially launched its 2015 Arctic hydrographic survey season this morning, in Kodiak, Alaska, in a World Ocean Day ceremony which showcased the deployment of the NOAA ships Rainier and Fairweather. In remarks directed to the crews of NOAA ships, Vice Admiral Michael S. Devany, NOAA deputy under secretary for operations, said, “Most Arctic waters […]
NOAA Fisheries is seeking comments for a proposed rule requiring the United States Navy to implement protective measures during activities at their Northwest training and testing study area in the state waters off Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and northern California to reduce the chances of harming marine mammals. The Navy has requested an authorization under the […]