[smartslider3 slider=4] Nate Becker lives with his family on a quiet stretch of the Yukon River as it flows into Alaska. On a recent ski trip, I visited the Beckers’ home along with two geologist friends. Nate had a question for them. “Why are all the gold deposits located on the south side of […]
[smartslider3 slider=3] We just skied 100 miles of the frozen Yukon River, two friends and I, until it got too cold for our skis to glide, and we flew back to Fairbanks on a plane that landed on both skis and wheels. Though my friends — Bob Gillis and Adam Bucki — are both […]
At 2:55 am on Monday morning, the VPSO of White Mountain, Dan Harrelson, called in to AST and advised that search and rescue crews were on the scene and working to rescue three individuals on two ATVs trapped in a Golovin Bay overflow. All three riders, 29-year-old Joseph Fagundes, 27-year-old Stephanie Fahey and 23-year-old […]
State fisheries biologists for Alaska say very low forecasts and recent poor runs of Chinook salmon returning to the Stikine and Taku rivers in Southeast Alaska do not provide for allowable catches on these transboundary rivers on either the United States or Canadian side of the border. The 2020 preseason terminal run forecast for the […]