Vegas Shooters Investigation Continues

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Jerad and Amanda Miller. Image-Facebook

As the investigation into the double shooting of Las Vegas police officers Alyn Beck and Igor Soldo and another in a nearby Walmart continues, newer and more complete information on the two shooters is coming to light.

Vegas authorities have identified the two gunmen that carried out a bloody mission in Cici’s Pizza Restaurant and attempted to do the same in a Walmart close by. They have been identified as married couple 31-year-old Jerad Miller, and his wife 22-year-old Amanda Miller.

According to neighbors and friends, at the Oak Tree apartments, they exhibited violent tendencies and anti-government behavior prior to the attacks they carried out. According to neighbors J Miller had handed out white-power propaganda and spoke of carrying out a “Columbine” style killing.

The couple also had gone to the government/cattle rancher stand-off at Clive Bundy’s ranch. While at the ranch, J. Miller was interviewed by the NBC affiliate KRNV-TV, in that interview, J. Miller told the news person, “I feel sorry for any federal agents that want to come in here and try to push us around.” According to Clive Bundy’s son, Ammon, the couple was asked to leave the ranch shortly thereafter because they were “too radical.” They were the only participants there that were asked to leave.

That was two months before the attack on Sunday.

Another neighbor reported that the couple had said prior to the attack that “They were going to kill as many officers as they can, and then they were going to do away with themselves.”

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Jerad and Amanda Miller. Image-Facebook

On Sunday, the Millers walked in to Cici’s Pizza Restaurant and shot and killed two officers there eating lunch at approximately 11:20 am. After shooting the two officers, the couple stripped the officers of their weapons and ammunition and draped the bodies with “Don’t Tread on Me” flags and a manifesto with swastikas was pinned to the bodies. While at the restaurant, the two shouted out, “This is the start of a revolution!”

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Armed with several weapons and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, the two then walked across the street to a nearby Walmart, once inside they told the store’s customers to leave the building.

One of the customers, Joseph Wilcox, who was armed, decided to attempt to subdue J Miller, not knowing that Amanda Miller was taking part, Wilcox drew on J Miller but never got off a shot. A. Miller shot him several times in the ribs. Wilcox collapsed to the floor.(It was erroneously reported earlier that the victim in the Walmart store was a female)

With law enforcement close behind, the Millers moved further into the store. Officers traded fire with the Millers and even spoke with them during the short standoff. The Millers, by then had constructed a makeshift barricade and hid behind it.

By this time A Miller had sustained a gunshot wound. Her husband shielded her from further gunfire, but a short time later, A. Miller shot her husband several times then turned her weapon on herself, shooting herself in the head.

Mortally wounded, A. Miller was taken to the hospital, but died a short time later at the University Medical Center.

Many of the neighbors reported that when not dressed in camo gear, J. Miller would dress in a Peter Pan costume that he donned as a street performer. They also report that the two would often dress as the Batman villain the Joker and his wife would dress as Harley Quinn his sidekick. 

These links will take you to Jerad Miller’s and Amanda MIller’s Facebook pages.