SWAN LAKE FIRE UPDATE: STERLING HIGHWAY is scheduled to open to one-lane traffic between MILEPOSTS 53 – 75 at 10 a.m. Pilot cars will be escorting traffic in alternating directions with flaggers at either end of the affected area. Expect delays. Alaska State Troopers will be patrolling the area and monitoring traffic. Motorists will […]
STERLING HIGHWAY UPDATE: Both lanes of traffic between Adkins Road (MP77) and the intersection of Resurrection Pass Trail at the Sterling Highway (MP53) remain halted due to Swan Lake Wildfire activity. Fire movement and related smoke impacts are expected to continue for some time and could last through the night and into Tuesday. FREE […]
The Swan Lake Fire is backing north of Skilak Road towards the Sterling Highway. Both lanes of traffic are currently stopped due to the fire behavior at MP72. Firefighters expect smoke from the fire to affect the travel on the Sterling Highway for a limited time. Alaska State Troopers will sweep vehicle traffic along […]
The Sterling Highway reopened at 12:00 pm today (8/19/2019). Traffic will be allowed to pass in both directions; however, due to the ongoing fire activity, no stopping along the highway will be allowed. Conditions along the highway may continue to be smoky. Motorist are urged to drive slowly and with their lights on. Alaska […]