(Anchorage) – The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is increasing the bag and possession limits for sockeye salmon in the Coghill River drainage to 12 fish per day, 24 in possession, with no size limit, effective 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, July 3 through 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, December 31, 2024. The limit for other salmon, except king, coho, and sockeye salmon, remains at six per day, 12 in possession, with no size limit.
The sockeye salmon escapement goal for the Coghill River is 20,000–75,000 fish. As of June 30, 2024, an estimated 28,239 sockeye salmon have passed through the Coghill River weir with a significant number of fish still entering the river and staging downstream of the weir. It is currently estimated that approximately 25% of the run has passed the weir and projections indicate that the upper end of the goal will be met or exceeded. In addition to liberalizing the bag and possession limits, the closed area adjacent to the Coghill River weir operated by ADF&G has been reduced to 50 feet upstream and downstream of the weir, as indicated by ADF&G markers.
“The Coghill River is not easily accessible, typically requiring a boat or plane to reach. However, with a surplus of fish, increasing the bag and possession limits will allow anglers the opportunity to bring home more fish when making the trek,” stated Assistant Area Management Biologist Donald Arthur. “The commercial fishery will continue to target the surplus sockeye salmon and at times, the commercial fishing activity could be very active in the vicinity of the river’s mouth and anglers should expect catch rates to be variable.”
For additional information please contact Assistant Area Management Biologist Donald Arthur in Anchorage at (907) 267-2225 or Area Management Biologist Brittany Blain-Roth at (907) 267-2186.