An Akiachak man is being held on $75,000 bail after his arrest on sex crime charges in that community on Thursday of last week. Bethel-based troopers were informed of a sexual assault/abuse incident in Akiachak on Tuesday, June 11th. An investigation was opened that determined evidence pointed to 24-year-old Herman Frederick having furnished alcohol […]
After receiving a report of a sexual assault in the community of Newtok, Alaska State Troopers opened an investigation into the incident. The investigation would learn that 41-year-old Newtok resident Jonathan Usugan, while drinking, had entered a home in that village and had sexually assaulted a woman there. AST would also find that Usugan […]
AST in Bethel revealed that a person in custody at the village jail in Akiachak died while being held in protective custody on Friday night. Tribal police reported that they had taken 54-year-old Robert Nick into protective custody because of his level of intoxication. When the tribal jail guard later checked on him, he […]
A Saxman teen was arrested on multiple charges after a domestic violence incident in that southeast community on Monday afternoon, troopers say. AST officers responded to a Raven Avenue address following a report of a domestic disturbance at 1:02 pm on Monday. Upon arrival, troopers opened an investigation into the incident and found that […]