Image-Rendering of suspect in East 47th Court and Lake Otis Assault. Image-Nixle Anchorage police have a description and have developed a sketch of the suspect responsible for the attack on a juvenile girl that occurred at East 47th Court and Lake Otis Parkway on Last Friday evening. The suspect, described as an Alaskan Native […]
A litany of charges was leveled at an Eagle River man after a call was put in to the troopers at 7:23 am on Wednesday and AST responded in Palmer. Troopers responded to the Three Bears grocery store in Palmer after they were called by store employees who reported that a man who was […]
Two men, one from Palmer and another from Wasilla, are facing various charges after an incident involving an ATV on Fishhook Road on Sunday afternoon, troopers revealed. According to the report, troopers responded to a call of a robbery on Fishhook at 3:43 pm and opened an investigation. They found that the 29-year-old man […]
A Wasilla man inadvertently gave away his position after he fled a vehicle that was the subject of a traffic stop on Blink Nick Drive in Wasilla, troopers reported. After the vehicle, a 2006 Toyota sedan was pulled over for a moving violation in Wasilla, troopers recognized the passenger in the vehicle as 29-year-old […]