The young Akiachak boy who was struck by an ATV in that village on Sunday night, succumbed to his injuries at an Anchorage hospital on Christmas Eve the trooper dispatch reports. Young 6-year-old Zaret Wassillie of Akiachak was “laying down on a built up ATV trail in the dark,” when he was hit by 18-year-old […]
An Alakanuk man is in jail with his bail set at $10,000 after a Saturday evening collision with a pedestrian while driving a four-wheeler on the Yukon River. Alaska State Troopers in Emmonak were notified of injuries when pedestrian, 23-year-old Emmonak resident Jana Duny was struck by a Honda Foreman ATV while on the frozen […]
26-year-old Melanie Coffee, one of six survivors of the November 29th crash of a Hageland Aviation Cessna 208 near St Marys, perished in an ATV crash in the village of St Marshall on Wednesday. Reports coming from the village, report that Coffee had hit a tree in a fatal collision. No one witnesses the actual […]
A Kodiak woman, out in remote Saltery Cove on Kodiak Island was injured while riding ATVs in the area on Friday. Because of the remote location of the accident, the U.S. Coast Guard was called in to assist with the 50-year-old woman. The Duty Flight Surgeon recommended that the woman be flown out of the […]