An early Wednesday morning traffic stop resulted in two being placed under arrest and remand to the Wildwood Pretrial Facility and held without bail, AST reported today. Troopers say that a Soldotna-based K9 team pulled over a 2020 Chevy Silverado U-haul truck near 9583 Kenai Spur Highway at 40 minutes after midnight and identified […]
After receiving a call at 6:11 pm reporting a theft that included an assault of a customer at the Brown Jug at 171 Muldoon Road, APD officers responded to the scene to investigate. As officers were arriving at the location, they observed a suspect fitting the description of the Brown Jug thief running into […]
AST reported on Monday that a former trooper based in Anchor Point was arrested by U. S. Marshals at his residence in Coupeville, Washington on Thursday following an indictment handed down by a Kenai Grand Jury for Scheme to Defraud, Theft II, and Misapplication of Property. The indictment and arrest of former Trooper Sgt. […]
Investigators with the Mat-Su Drug Unit, CSU, AKCIC, Helo 3, Airport Interdiction Task Force and Wasilla PD made contact with 24 individuals on Wednesday and Thursday in connection with property and drug-related crimes, APD reported late Sunday afternoon. This action “resulted in the seizure of 4 firearms, (3 handguns, and one AR-15), approximately 44 […]