More patrols on the roads dedicated to preventing fatal and serious injury crashes through robust DUI enforcement (STATEWIDE) – Troopers will have increased high-visibility patrols on Alaska’s highways starting this week and continuing through the Labor Day holiday to prevent fatal and serious-injury crashes. While Troopers will focus on DUI enforcement for both alcohol and drugs, […]
(STATEWIDE) – As we come up on the Independence Day, Alaska State Troopers will have increased high-visibility patrols on Alaska’s highways. The patrols are aimed at preventing fatal and serious-injury crashes through robust DUI enforcement. While Troopers will focus on DUI enforcement for both alcohol and drugs, they will also watch for, aggressive driving, distracted […]
Click It or Ticket Campaign to run through June 4 (Anchorage, AK) – Alaska State Troopers and Alaska Wildlife Troopers across the state will be conducting additional traffic patrols through June 4th as part of the Click It or Ticket campaign. Nationwide it is estimated that 2,549 lives could have been saved in 2017 if […]
(Anchorage, AK) – The Alaska Department of Public Safety has started a limited deployment of body-worn cameras across Alaska to lay the groundwork for a full deployment later this year. Thirty Alaska State Troopers, Wildlife Troopers, and Court Services Officers are now using the new technology as part of their normal duties to ensure that […]